Popping In...and Popping Out...

 A quick Hello & Welcome to Follower N° 72, Anne. I thought you were already a follower, but there you are! You are now. So WELCOME!

I'm only popping in briefly to apologise for a lack of service last Sunday. This last week has been fairly manic, with lots of extra work, and I spent all Sunday planning - no time for fun in the Blogosphere. It's great that I'm earning lots (in March I actually earned more than I have done in any other month since we came here) but it does rather curtail me-time. As spring arrives (she says, casting hopeful looks at the grey sky and shivering in the cold!) maybe I'll try to watch less TV and do more Stuff (though with Doctor Who starting, plus Broadchurch, which I'm loving, an adaptation of "Labyrinth" coming up and a 3 hour Corrie Catch Up, I'm not sure I will be watching less TV at the moment!)

Still on the 5:2 regime. Not losing loads but feeling okay about it. We fasted on Friday and then had steak-and-veggie spicy mix served on Chinese leaf instead of tortillas. With natural yoghurt and a sprinkling of cheese they were delicious!

Hopefully I'll catch up with you over the weekend, but Happy Easter to you all. Thank you for following me, thank you for reading, thank you for commenting.

And I know I'm a day early - but, Thank God!, we already know how the story ends!


  1. Hi Mouse!
    Happy Easter to you!
    My husband is on a Dr. Who binge at the moment. He loves it!

  2. Happy Easter! Love the cat-bunny!

  3. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and happy Easter!


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